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¤ Buyer/Seller Search
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 (*currently 16 entries)
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In this input box, you will enter either a full or partial name you wish to search for as either a buyer or seller in any transactions (you can further filter on their involvement in the next selection). If you want to search on multiple names, simply separate your entries with a space. For example, you could enter "hawk001 artcollector simplesimon" and the search would look for all three of those names entered.
With this option, you may filter how you wish to view the information. This will search for the name you entered as a participant in exchanges as only the "seller", only the "buyer" or for any listings (ie. both seller or buyer).
This allows you to filter on the type of transaction (auction, private sale, trade, etc).
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 + Buyer/Seller Transaction Search

Art of Skateboarding provides this section to allow members and visitors to search for the transaction history of particular buyers, sellers or both. We do not claim to have all transactions stored, but we do record as much as we can that is publicly available via eBay (and other auction sites), updated directly by members in the Price Guide or sent to us via emails. We make no judgments on the business ethics of any of the buyers or sellers listed. This is merely another way of viewing the information we provide via the Price Guide Price History listed for individual items. If you have any transaction information that we do not have listed, please contact us via email with the details. Likewise, if you have corrections for any information listed, please contact us as well.

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Date Sort Descending (default) Category Sort Descending (default) Product Sort Descending Transaction Price Sort Descending (default) Verified?
7/6/2012DecksTony Hawk(eBay) from kartz74 to n***4$860.00 USD*NO*
1/12/2018DecksTony Hawk(eBay) from Ebay to Essert421$1,100.00 USD*NO*
1/7/2004DecksTom's Friend (aka. Cheech and Chong)(eBay) from cheapskateboards to tnimrav$42.00 USD*NO*
1/17/2005DecksTom's Friend (aka. Cheech and Chong)(eBay) from ldpxcom to sk8mafia619$20.87 USDyes
3/12/2005DecksTom's Friend (aka. Cheech and Chong)(eBay) from andysk8er to westcoastguido$36.89 USD*NO*
3/20/2003DecksToft Snub Nose(eBay) from siriusskateboards to expeditiones$700.00 USDyes
3/13/2003DecksToft Snub Nose(eBay) from motorcult to muygracias$400.00 USDyes
3/1/2004DecksToft Snub Nose(eBay) from battlezone5 to airdry101266$166.66 USD*NO*
8/6/2006DecksToft Snub Nose(eBay) from plan9! to audi4willy$1,530.00 USD*NO*
7/10/2006DecksToft Snub Nose(eBay) from plan9! to megamamaok$2,025.00 USD*NO*
5/13/2008DecksToft Snub Nose(Private Sale) from expeditiones to flynnnaryd$2,300.00 USD*NO*
2/1/2005DecksToft(Private Sale) from Vilms to Lonnie$640.00 USD*NO*
5/6/2010DecksToft(eBay) from lanaiblueblue to Flynn$735.00 USD*NO*
3/26/2007DecksTodo Igual(eBay) from lesonrya to sk8unprofessional$355.00 USDyes
7/30/2002DecksToco Gunman(eBay) from fallen99angel to edvega!$46.00 USDyes
10/22/2003DecksToco Gunman(eBay) from fallen99angel to albertstrange$36.55 USDyes
11/8/2003DecksToco Gunman(eBay) from fallen99angel to elemental4731$77.00 USDyes
12/2/2004DecksToco Gunman(eBay) from flyingpigskates to patsplat000$71.00 USD*NO*
11/19/2005DecksToco Gunman(eBay) from skatepool to lloyd.park$60.01 USD*NO*
12/30/2013DecksToco Gunman(Private Sale) from unknown to spicy$400.00 USD*NO*
3/30/2023DecksToco Gunman(eBay) from djspine77 to 1***a$1,532.00 USD*NO*
2/21/2007DecksToaster Man(eBay) from lkptpride to burnoutbush$406.99 USD*NO*
8/24/2007DecksTo the 5 Boroughs Promo(eBay) from davylopes to anonymous3351$305.00 USD*NO*
8/25/2011DecksTimes Square series - Correa(eBay) from Dep1216 to (buyer unknown)$75.00 USD*NO*
11/27/2005DecksTimecode - Gall(eBay) from sk8unprofessional to mnc101$104.50 USD*NO*
7/18/2004DecksTime Warp(eBay) from sk8collector to takeitoutithurts$167.50 USDyes
9/24/2005DecksTime Warp(eBay) from liveforbaja to 67cc$101.50 USD*NO*
2/9/2009DecksTime Warp(eBay) from docriser to survive2theend$0.00 USD*NO*
2/9/2009DecksTime Warp(eBay) from docriser to survive2theend$230.00 USD*NO*
11/10/2019DecksTime Warp(eBay) from Theskatevault to g***r$817.00 USD*NO*
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Total for selected search: $4,145,056.25 USD  
(*Note: Total may include auctions where reserve was not met)  
Prices reflect the item in mint condition (unless otherwise noted) and are shown for historical purposes only. Keep in mind that the current value of an item is only what the market will bear. These prices should be used for reference purposes only and not as an indicator of exact current value.
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