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 + Restoration Tricks and Tips

 the following tip comes from The_Green_Monkey...
"I haven't had too much experience testing this, so it may not work across the board (haha get it?), in fact I suspect that it's probably a case-by-case solution depending on the type of offending paint, but I was able to get rid of some black spray paint that was all over the bottom on one of the Grosso "Toyboxes" I'm working on by lightly scratching at the paint with the corner of a razor blade, and then once a little furrow was gouged in the paint, scraping/shaving it off with the blade. Some places required harder initial scratching than others, and there were a few spots where I scratched the graphics and/or wood too, and the graphics underneath weren't left in pristine condition anyway, but I'll get to them later either way, and what I have now is a lot better than dealing with an undercoat of black spray paint would have been had I just left it alone. "
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