+ News Detail
Every once in a while, I pick a company and do what I call a "blitz" on them....ie. find and post every deck I can find for them to try to catch up their listings. I had noticed a while back that I had been a bit lazy on Zero listings. I knew they had done some big series I missed as well as the Misfits and Iron Maiden collabs, but I figured I was fairly caught up within reason. When I got started on this, they had about 430 decks listed. I thought "oh, I bet it will only be a couple hundred to catch them up." Damn, was I wrong!!!! I never realized how many decks Zero has churned out through the years!!! When all as said and done, it took me about 5 weeks, and they now have 1,294 decks listed (and I am guessing I am missing maybe 10-20). Keep in mind for EACH listing, there is likely 2 or more images as well as notation/references on where it was found. That took wayyyyy longer than I wanted, and I will try not to let it slip that long again. I already know 2 other big companies I need to get back to as well, but now this has made me wary of biting off that work and time sink.(haha) As for ZERO, if I missed any, just send info...model, year, where to find, etc....and I will add them too! Enjoy!