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Warning: AoS / reported by AMORONE)
10/28/2002 - Monday

The good folks at Skull&Bones have been so kind as to warn us of a questionable seller. The kindly "Curbdog" (aka.LeavingTrains) had an exchange with the fellow. Seems "streetboardz*com" has been posting auctions BUT failing to mention that the decks in question are REISSUES. On top of that, the seller is also selling them for $79 on eBay, however, a quick look at his website reveals that he sells them $49-69 (*the prices were since changed somewhat). When Curbdog asked the seller why he does this, the response he got back was "BLOW ME!". How's that for professional? What does that say about this guy's perspective on the collecting scene? Seems he is just another snake that crawled out from under his rock to make a buck off of skaters. Read the thread HERE. Deal with this guy at your own risk. Thanks again to Curbdog for taking the initiative to confront this guy directly and reveal his true motivations!

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