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Order bugs squashed?(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
12/11/2002 - Wednesday

Finally, I have managed to squash some lingering bugs related to orders. For those that have ordered and never heard from me, you will get an email explaining why and more. All should be well now. Up until about 3-4 weeks ago, I thought no one ever ordered display racks because no one wanted them or figured out their own means of showing off their gems. The web page I built to check on orders always showed zero. It wasn't until I got some emails from folks asking about their orders that I looked directly in the database and found them all....not many orders, but enough....just sitting there. The web page was obviously "broke" (for lack of a better word). Well, I located the problem and fixed it. For those folks that had orders, confirmations are being sent out this week. I will do my best to fill your orders and make-up for my big f-up. For you more recent folks, well, you just get to benefit from a working order system finally. =) I soon hope to add a order status page to the site, so you can see what I see and track your own order as well. If everyone still wants their orders, it looks like I have one busy weekend ahead. haha Actually, I have been stock piling a bit, so hopefully I am ahead of the game. Bottom line, I can not apologize enough for my f-up, but I will do my best to make good on all orders and make you folks happy that were kind enough to help the site out with your orders. Thanks.


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