+ News Detail
For those collectors that do not know, the Black Label spin-off company, Red Cross, was slapped with a "cease and desist" by the Red Cross organization. How does this affect you? Well, the Black Label company can no longer use the "Red Cross" name or graphic as well. They were poised to launch 7 decks initially. A few of these were sent out to shops (there seems to be 3 that are most popular). However, all decks are now being sent back from shops and distributors by order of Black Label in compliance with the "C&D" order. Of the 7 that were to be launched, only 6 were actually in production. The Grosso Full-size model was never put into production. Soooo for any of you interested collectors, it might be a good move to try to collect as many of the 6 decks as possible for the company that never was. =)