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AoS step-by-step help needed(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
1/28/2003 - Tuesday

If any of you have some free time and want to help the site, I need someone to write up a step-by-step guide on how to post their collection on the site...bascially how to get pics hosted and point to them via a URL. I have been meaning to do this for some time but just have not had a spare moment. It should not be too involved but I would like to cover the following rough outling:

  • Getting the picture on your computer....either via digital camera or scan of photo

  • Resizing and cropping to correct is 150x379 pixels although not a requirment, however it does reduce filesize...plenty of freeware out there will do this as well as "timed trials" of popular programs like "Paintshop Pro".

  • Finding a host...list of free image hosting services or directions of how to find out if your ISP gives free space

  • Uploading pics to your host...via a direct page upload like Yahoo or via FTP

  • Testing your upload via entering the URL in your browser to view the image

  • Adding your info to your AoS Collection page

That should cover it end-to-end. Using a host as an example along every step would really help too. Anyways, if some one feels up for it, please contact me.


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