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Screen Your Own Decks(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
3/12/2003 - Wednesday

Donald20 of Peek Skateboards has graciously provided to AoS the frame template to build your own deck screening set-up. Donald's only stipulation is that you make a donation to this site in order to receive it. For a small donation via PayPal of $7 (*contact if direct mail is preferred), you will receive the JPEG image file of the frame with all specs listed to size in order to build your own. In addition, other information will be included on how to use the frame as well as some "how to" information for those just starting out with deck screening. Please specify in the "body" of your PayPal message that you would like to receive the frame info....otherwise, it just appears as a normal donation. =) A very big thanks to Donald20 (*check out his Peek Skateboard decks...he owns the company*) and thanks to all of you who have waited patiently to get your hands on these plans!!!

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