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What's going on in Amorone's head?(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
6/17/2003 - Tuesday

Well....thought I'd let you all know of some of the MANY things I am working on for AoS (aside from all I do for my "regular job")....lots of neat-o fun stuff "in the works"....

  • Member locator - yes, still working on it, but I want it to be pretty slick!....basically you will be able to find members based on their location info they put in their profile...that means, get yours straightened out soon if you want to be listed! I thought it'd be a good way for folks to hook-up with other like-minded collectors in their area or one they may be visiting

  • Member Stores - yep....members will be able to set-up and maintain their own little web shop (much like Cliver's Store) with some neat customization options to boot....this will come at a cost of course, but should be minimal....still working out those issues....ideas? haha

  • AoS Auction - yep, it refuses to die....adding a cool new feature..."Swap Bids"....this means that in place of a monetary bid, a bidder may offer up goods against an item....this will be at the discretion of the seller to allow it and the seller must respond (accept/decline) within a certain period to "validate" the "swap bid"....the "swap bid" then becomes the high bid unless other bids come in before closing....make sense? It should be fun!....and soon patented! haha

That's about all off the top of my head.....lots of cleaning up of code as well...behind the scenes mess you likely won't see....sooooo if you are wondering what I am up too, why decks are being slowly added, why no prices have been put entered in a while....this should answer that.


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