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Santa Cruz Old School....round 3 !(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
8/7/2003 - Thursday

For those that do not know, Santa Cruz has already announced the next round of re-issues coming out. The first round included the Kendall "Graffiti", Slasher II, and Roskopp I. Round 2 is the Roskopp "Face", Grosso "Devil", and Grabke "Exploding Clock". Round 3 will be Street Creep, Roskopp 2, Kendall "Atom Bomb", Grosso "Toy Box" and Jason Jessee "Neptune-Mermaid tail". At this rate expect the entire late 80's re-issued by end of next year. (haha) Effects on the value of the originals? You be the judge. =) For pre-orders and info, give Howard at Cal Skates a call ( 1-800-647-5283 )...he's a good guy with apparently very good sources.

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