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*new* Comparison feature(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
11/19/2003 - Wednesday

Last night, I got bored around the house, and it was storming too much outside to get out. Soooo, I decided to have some fun and build a Comparison feature into the Price Guide just for "shits and giggles". I had seen others on several other sites, but really did not have much of an idea or any examples of how it is done. I decided to build my own original system. It took suprisingly very little time since the site now is much easier to maintain. This is a verified member feature that allows you to pick up to 5 items from anywhere in the Price Guide and view them can even re-arrange them as you like! Anyways, it took about 3 hrs to build from scratch, so I think I did pretty good. I like it, and I hope you do too. Enjoy!

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