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AoS Auction - Feedback System(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
11/20/2003 - Thursday

Yes, believe it or not, the AoS Auction is more than a really exists! Anyways, I am working on the feedback system and decided to add a new feature but want your feedback on the feedback (whaaaa?...haha). Sooooo as ususal, buyers and sellers will be able to give feedback on the auctions. BUT unlike others auctions, I am THINKING about adding a feature called "Unsolicited Feedback". How it works is that ANYONE could make an "unsolicited feedback" on a buyer/seller. They would be allowed to make only one comment on the seller/buyer. The seller/buyer would then have the option to keep the unsolicited feedback for others to see or delete it all together. If deleting it, they would state why they did so. For example, this would be useful for folks who may have had good dealings with a seller outside of AoS and want others to know. Sound good? See any way it could be abused? (remember only verified members will get to buy/sell so emails and IPs are checked). Also, unlike other systems, you will be able to sort and filter anyone's feedback...."list all", "positive only","negative only", "unsolicited only", date, buyer/seller id, transaction type (buy or sell), etc. Sound good too? let me know. will be using it, so you tell me how you want to use it. =) Thanks!

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