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San Antonio Review(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
3/27/2004 - Saturday

Besides being the typical tourist and visting the Alamo and such, I spent my weekend in San Antonio taking advantage of the recently complete Lady Bird Johnson skatepark. It just so happened that the movie premiere for the Alamo movie was happening this weekend too....that means lots of stars in town (actually saw Billy Bob Thorton around town later that night....ooowweee). I happened to find quite a few future stars at the LBJ park. Good time skating with good folks. Special props to Nick who has been nothing but the great host (ie. put up with all my dumb questions about the San Antonio scene.haha). Also, caught a little ripper, Rainy (sp?)...young kid...skates for Gringo...11 yrs. old (?) and rips BUT one of those that knows he's good too....he was trying to give me the psyche-out look cause I wasn't a local...haha. After the park, ended the day at Goodtimes skate shop. GREAT group of folks there! Now I understand why all San Antonio skaters that know their shit support that shop. Aces! Anyways....very good Saturday away from home.

Lady Bird Johnson park overview - shot from shallow

Lady Bird Johnson park overview - shot from deep

Lady Bird Johnson park overview - pre-fab area in pool

Lady Bird Johnson park - unknown hip ollie

Ok...artsy late night shot

...and the Dirty South style "Get Low" shot...San Antonio at night is fun too!

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