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On the Road Again...(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
4/19/2004 - Monday

Well, I wrapped up my project in San Antonio...again, I can not say enough about the skaters around Austin and San Antonio...great folks!...I luckily got to stop back by Goodtimes San Antonio (GSA) Skateshop and hang out a bit. Grabbed a shirt and stickers as souvenirs and to suppport another great local shop....soooo I was off to the next project...suppose to be starting in Greensboro and was fiending to skate the little 3 ft bowl at their park...however, I got sidetracked a bit...I am back in Memphis for 2-3 weeks....just a little support work...and I get to skate the bowl here again. Well, hopefully between all this, I will get some much needed updates made to the site. Wish me luck!

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