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Skull and Bones gets hacked!(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
7/12/2004 - Monday

Dammit dammit dammit... someone has to go and piss in the pool and screw it all up for everyone. Seems someone (or many) hacked into the Skull and Bones Skateboard forum this past weekend and wrecked a little havoc. Why? Who knows. Most likely they were jealous of all the fun people have there. I talked with Slob (the webmaster and operator), and it does not appear to be a random , script kiddies attack, but more a directed attack. But never fear, Slob knows what he is doing and is working away bringing it back online...with an improved version even! Meanwhile, the S&B hooligans seem to have found refuge (and/or gone on rampages) at several other equally good and popular, Bull Dog Skates, and Concrete Disciples. Enjoy the vacation and extra time from not posting all day guys!...oh yeh...I almost forgot...and to the person(s) who hacked the site, a big "FUH Q" (it's Chineese):)

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