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And the answer is....(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
8/2/2004 - Monday

Ok...back over to Atlanta for another week of work on my current project. As promised, I have the "trivia" answer....envelope please....*drum roll*....and this makes a lot of sense. Once I read it, I was like "duh". All these years, and I had never known/heard the story. Well, seems back in the 80's as tricks were coming fast and furious as skating evolved, the thing to do was to name the trick you invented after yourself...Smith grind, Andrecht plant, Bertleman slide, etc. Well, the inventor of the "Lien Air" was no different, but did add his own typical flair to true Blender style, Neil Blender named the trick after his first name, backwards..."LIEN" = "NEIL" backwards. Pretty clever eh? Soooo what got me thinking about that? Been reading "The Answer Is Never: A Skateboarder's History of the World" by Jocko Weyland lately, and I can not say enough good things about this book. It is fun to read and has taught me a lot so far. I suggest it as a "must read" for everyone. Hey, we can be like Oprah and have this as the AoS Book Club's book-of-the-month! haha

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