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It's Official.....AoS-fest 2(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
8/4/2004 - Wednesday

Or as official as can be....AoS-fest 2 is happening this year...Oct.8-10 at the *new* Nashville Concrete Wave Country skatepark (go to for info and pics). Why Nashville and not Louisville again? Why not? The Nashville park rocks and Nashville itself is one fun town! Why October? Ever been in the South in August? October weather is perfect!Once again, this is a very INFORMAL gathering ...think of it as a big scheduled session...we are all just "showing up". In the event of rain, there is a very nice indoor park nearby as well. More details will follow. As for a West coast event at the same time, still working on that. Hopefully, it will happen. Giveaways may or may not happen. Special guests may or may not show. But one thing is for sure, just like last year, there will be plenty of fun had by all!

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