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Sean Cliver's "Disposable" set to hit shelves!(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
8/28/2004 - Saturday

Longtime skateboard artist Sean Cliver has authored a 228-page, full-color book, showcasing over 1000 skateboard graphics from the last 30 years. Alongside his own history, Sean has assembled a wealth of recollections and stories from prominent artists and skateboarders such as Wes Humpston, Jim Phillips, Lance Mountain, Pushead, Ed Templeton, John Lucero, Mike Hill, Chris Miller, Jason Jessee, Steve Caballero, Ron Cameron, Jim Thiebaud, Jason Lee, Garry Davis, Tod Swank, Tony Hawk, Andy Howell, Steve Rocco, Natas Kaupas, Andy Jenkins, Marc McKee, Mike Vallely, John Grigley, Jeff Grosso, and many others. The end result is a fascinating historical account of art in the skateboard subculture, as told by those directly involved with shaping its legendary creative face. Disposable: A History of Skateboard Art will be released November 1, 2004, co-published by Concrete Wave Editions and Blitz Distribution.

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