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AOS breaks Ten-Fuggin-Thousand!!!(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
10/8/2004 - Friday

In the words of Dave Chappelle's Rick James "It's a celebration!"....and his Don King "It's splendifferous! It's magnumentamous!" .... today...AoS broke the 10k barrier...that's right...we now list over 10,000 items in the Price Guide. That says what? That says I sat and entered each one by hand and that took a long ass time! But I do it for the kids. (haha) Seriously, this was a big goal for me and now reached, I look forward to bigger and better things for AoS. Did I plan for this to just happen to coincide with AoS-fest 2? Actually, believe it or not, it honestly just worked out that way....but I know it's gonna make celebrating at AoS-fest 2 that much better! I am heading to bed and will get up and drive to Nashville in the morning. Again, thanks to all who have helped and supported AoS and helped me reach this goal!!!! (*I was looking for some little stupid animated fireworks GIF file to post here, but I though that'd be a bit much. haha)

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