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Whew! Busy busy! Sorry for the lack of updates...(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
11/22/2004 - Monday

Just realized it has been well over a month since I updated the news or anything. Well, my *real* job caught up with me and has been very busy these past few weeks. I was in Dallas for 2 straight weeks for some classes, then I was in Vegas this past week for a conference. In with all of that, I am on a project in San Antonio that is keeping me quite busy as well. Still no excuses. I have been putting together the big ol' AOS-Fest 2 article...and am even going back and putting together one for AOS-Fest 1 (I had pics I realized I never posted here...doh!). In addition, I am working behind the scenes on a big site update overall that you all should love. So, yes, even though I may appear quiet around here lately, please know that there is much going on and coming!!!! Till next time....

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