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Deja Vu at Skull & Bones forum(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
12/6/2004 - Monday

Looks like over the weekend, our good friends over at the Skull&Bones skateboard forum were hit by a hacker yet again. (you may recall the site was brought to it's knees earlier this past summer by an attack that almost destroyed the site itself.) The site is currently offline. I have spoken to Slob-Air (site admin and uber cyper-sleuth), and he has confidence the site will be up again "soon". According to him, this attack was eerily familiar and coincidentally coincided with an all-too-familiar enemy of the site, a member banned for misconduct before and thought linked to the first attack of the site, attempting just days before to return and was told once more he was no longer welcomed. AoS supports our Skull & Bones brethren and will help in any and all ways we can through this tough time for them

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