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Bad news for Sean Cliver fanboys (and girls?)(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
12/6/2004 - Monday

As you may have heard, AOS was working with Sean Cliver to provide a way for fans to purchase autographed copies of his new book Disposable:A History of Skateboard Art. Technically challenged Cliver was working away trying to get things in order. I was just sitting here waiting to provide the links. He sent an email this past week to update me. Seems things do not look good. It wasn't Sean's difficulty in grasping the internet, what TCP/IP means, how "virtual" payments work, or any other somewhat technical topic (*hey, the guy lives by his MAC, so you have to use small words and short sentences. haha). It came down to business. According to him, Blitz Distribution was not being easy to work with on this. He could not get them nailed down to coming up with a price for him or how he could buy "as needed" or what not. In the end, Blitz's suggestion was that I (AOS) buy the books at wholesale, stock them myself and handle all the shipping, payments and such. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoaaaaaa!" I said. I have never intended to be part of this. I was simply helping Cliver out...providing the means for folks to reach him. It was never my intent to (a) make money (b) spend money (c) deal with administration of orders and such. Sooooo at this time, things look bleak for you all getting autographed copies through here. Sean was heading off on a trip, but said he would get a definite yes or no when he got back. At the worst, maybe we (AOS) end up linking you direct to him and you can "request" autographs from him. If there is one thing Sean can do on his computer, it is check and reply to email....but don't expect much more. haha Again...sorry...but there's still a slim chance....we hope.

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