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Recycled Skateparks?(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
1/18/2005 - Tuesday

Live the Dream with GSL in Washington DC!!

Skaters in the Mid-Atlantic Region need your help to support the
construction of DC's first real skateboard park. Members & friends of
the ECRW Foundation are working on the Greenskate Laboratory as a
multi-purpose space for recreation, arts & science. Much of the emphasis
is on recycling. For example, the majority of the super structure is
constructed of tires collected from the Potomac River Watershed. These
tires are rammed with earth & used as building blocks for what is going
to be a bowl that is 4ft to 9ft deep with an oververt pocket.

We are facing corruption issues with the embezzlement of $20,000 in
Grants donated to the project's fund. We filed a complaint & now have
the DC Inspector General working on the case. It didn't matter to us at
first because we kept moving forward with a positive attitude that we
would raise it on our own.

We have now come across a new problem. The Parks & Recreation
Department we were working with has new Directors. They seem very
unhappy with the project because of the time it is taking to build it.
They don't understand the amount of effort it takes to do what we are
doing. The reason we are not moving along swiftly with this project is
because the grant money we were issued is now "missing". We have to
raise this money again so that we can rent equipment & buy materials. To
sum it up briefly, we need to get this park done quick & we do not have
everything we need to make it happen – even though we are providing the
labor for free. Below is a synopsis of what we need to do, what we have
provided & what we need to make this happen.

Here is a breakdown of what we need:

What we need Approximate Costs
100 Yards of concrete $10,000
Lumber for forms $1500
2 Tons of Rebar $2000
Equipment Rental $2000
Concrete Pump for 5 days $5000
Contractor Fees 20% $4000

Here is a breakdown of what we are providing:

What we are providing Approximate Worth
Federal Stone Pool Coping $2500
Tiles $1000
Labor $50,000

Phases for Completion of the Project:

Phase Mission Time Estimate
One Complete Tire Ramming & Stacking of the Super Structure 30 Days
Two Fundraising ongoing
Three Install Forms & Rebar 14 Days
Four Pour Concrete in Sections Shallow, Mid, & Deep 30 Days
Five Final Touch-ups, Plant Trees, install benches 14 Days

If you are interested in helping us with this project, please visit our
website at & register. We would love to
receive donations or even your ideas of what we can do to help the
situation. We have a PayPal account for donations: We will have t-shirts for sale very soon &
will be accepting pre-orders for them immediately. Please visit the
website & register to contact us. We will get back with you immediately.

Thank you & our Sincere Thanks,
Chris & Terri Nostrand, Jaime Stapula, Ben Ashworth, John Bullduc, Andy
Neal & the rest of our friends at ECRW Foundation

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