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Disposable Reminder(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
4/26/2005 - Tuesday

The "Disposable" gravy train rolls on with Cliver at the a new traveling side show dubbed "The Amazing Artistic Talents of Sean Cliver and his Performing Poodles"....not really...but you can still get his new book and some cool autographs to boot!

SAT. APRIL 30 - SAN JOSE - SKATE WORKS SKATESHOP the first will be held on saturday, april 30, at the new skate works shop located in san jose. time will be around 5pm. guest signers tentatively include jim phillips, todd bratrud, and steve caballero. hope to add at least two to three more names. this will be the only nothern california event, so i hope that some of you from up in that region will be able to attend.

SAT. MAY 7 - SIMI VALLEY - SKATE LAB the second will coincide with the skater-trader event on saturday, may 7, at the skatelab in simi valley. this one will probably be just me posted up at the tailtap booth or sitting on the trunk of my car. will see how it all pans out, but i'm definitely planning on being there from at least noon - 2pm. there will be a lords of dogtown-related bowl contest in the morning and possibly a girl/chocolate demo in the afternoon as well.

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