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Sarasota (as the kids say)!(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
5/6/2005 - Friday

Just wrapped up my project (*real* job) in Sarasota, Florida...super busy most the time but did get last Sunday afternoon to drop by their AWESOME public started raining shortly after but I did manage to get a few shots of the place. I love their flow area....the WHOLE thing is skateable....even the sidewalks around it have transitions...even the corner edges of the sidewalk are round bowled corners!....and whoever can really skate that pool is a sick bastard! That thing is insane!!!!!!! The shallow is like 3 1/2 ft high with 2 1/2 ft of vert!!! Here's some pics for ya....
-Street area
-a REAL pool
-Flow area shot 1
-Flow Area (shot 2...that thing up in the back is this 5 ft high over-vert thingy...wierd!))
Thanks to all the locals for a fun time!

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