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AZPX and Phoenix Skateparks rule!(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
8/31/2005 - Wednesday

This week I started working back in Phoenix on a new project for a previous client (it's good to be loved...haha). I will be here at least through March. Well, first thing this week, I found the *new* Tempe skatepark (they had just broke ground for it 2 yrs ago when I was here). It is AWESOME! Last night (Tuesday) after work, I checked out another nearby park...Pecos. It was quite different and a nice change of pace. On the way back to my hotel around 9pm, I decided to drop by the Tempe park again since I had heard Tuesday nights were "old school night". The park was surprisingly not too crowded, and I did find a couple of folks around my age there. They were all killing the place! After a few runs, I asked a guy about what nights were best, the crowds, other parks, etc., and he suggested I check out his web site. Turns out it was none other than Rob Locker, the man behind AZPX. He runs the site all by himself (sound familiar? haha) and makes all the products (decks, clothes, stickers, CDS,etc). I joked that I don't know how he has the time with working also. Anyways, Rob was a helluva nice guy. We had talked several times before via email and all but never met till then. He told me to join them any time for a session and check his forums for news on what's happenning around AZ and especially Phoenix. He also said AZPX is releasing several old school shapes featuring artwork from an AZ artist in a few weeks. They had done it before and as he said, it went so well that most people buy to skate and one to hang on their wall. Cool! As we were leaving, he tossed me a CD that AZPX recently put is a reissue of Junior Achievment's "Fade to Black". Again...too cool! He said they have been doing a lot of skate rock/punk show lately. I will definately be hooking up with the guys here now for some skate sessions and look to be at the Tempe park at least twice a week...most likely Monday and Tuesday nights. I highly suggest you check out and make sure you find these guys if ever making a trip to AZ!!!

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