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Beware of !(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
2/8/2006 - Wednesday

Several collectors recently stumbled upon the site,, and were giddy with what appeared to be several very expensive collector decks for $35 or so. All these decks were mysteriously listed as "Conscience" decks even when some were from other companies. This got some people playing detective, and it turns out that most every "Conscience" deck listed are actually the decks from our good friend Jesse's (owner of Conscience skateboards) own personal collection!!! Friends of Jesse immediately contacted him, and he replied with the following email statement:
woah, woah woah woah! Thanks a ton for letting me know about this. These guys contacted me to set up an online distro for Conscience. So I figured what the hell and told them they could sell them [his Conscience skateboard decks] for me. They never mentioned they were interested in selling off my collection for stupid prices. Sheesh! The guy I've been working with just got an urgent email from me. How the hell did they think these were all boards that I "carry" under Conscience. Nuts. Anyways, I really appreciate the heads up. --- Jesse
Hopefully this will all be cleared up soon and no one got taken or got their hopes up too much of scoring the "killer deal". We will report more on this if we hear it. In the meantime, keep the old saying in mind....if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. =)

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