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Feb 18, 2006 - Harold Hunter R.I.P.(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
2/20/2006 - Monday

For those that have not heard the news yet, Harold Hunter passed away. From the New York Post:
February 18, 2006 -- A skateboarder who appeared in the controversial 1995 movie "Kids" was found dead in his Lower East Side apartment yesterday of an apparent cocaine overdose, cops said. Harold Hunter, 31, who performed stunts in Larry Clark's film about an HIV-positive skateboarder, was discovered by his brother at 4 p.m. in his East 13th Street apartment, police. Cops said they retrieved cocaine from "on and around the body." "He was saying stuff like, 'When I die I'm going to be famous,' " said Hunter's sister Rebecca Atkins. "He used to have this saying, 'Legends never die.' "

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