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Ben Gilley now on ZERO(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
2/27/2006 - Monday

As some may have heard, Black Label recently dropped a bunch of pro skaters from the roster. Ben Gilley was among them. Ben's a good friend of mine and an *amazing* skater (no flippity dippity tricks here, just balls and burl!), and I actually had a chance to catch up with him at the openning of our new skatepark at home. We caught up on news and general BS, but of course, he filled me in on where he went after Label. Apparently, it didn't take Ben long to find a new home. (haha) Here's the official announcement:

"Black Box is proud to announce the addition of professional skateboarder Ben Gilley to the Zero Team. With his unmistakable style of skateboarding, Ben is a perfect addition to Zero and the Black Box family. Gilley has delivered amazing video parts since his debut in 2001 and most recently in the 2005 independent release

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