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Hot Rod's Cease & Desist series really works!(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
3/2/2006 - Thursday

What started as a small, unknown company doing a few small runs of decks has apparently gotten the "big boy's" attention. Hot Rod puts out the Cease & Desist series. These are decks that take older popular graphics and re-use them with small "tweaks" such as adding "bling" (as the Hot Rod guys say). Well, these decks have been showing up on eBay and selling fairly well, but it seems someone has had enough. One eBayer/collector received an email from eBay that his auction had been pulled due to an email from none other than George Powell. In short the email reads, "Thank you for your recent auction-style listing on eBay. Unfortunately, we removed the following item(s): 7222588596 - Hot Rod Powell Peralta Ripper Spoof Skateboard Limited because George A. Powell reported it to us for violating their intellectual property rights. When eBay is notified by a rights owner of an intellectual property rights infringement, eBay must remove the item in order to meet certain legal requirements. The following information may help explain the reason for your listing(s) removal: Misuse of brand names, trademarks, and logos is both illegal and against eBay policy." What's funny is that Powell probably just did more for that small company than their small advertising budget ever could have. Expect the Cease & Desist decks to become even more popular now. Good job, Mr. Powell! haha In all fairness, I completely understand....come on, would you want someone using your property without licensing?...but I think the approach was a little wrong. This reminds me of the early 1990's all over again! Anyways...check out for more info.

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