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More Hosoi news and other rumors...(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
3/23/2006 - Thursday

Seems more news/rumors have shaken out about Hosoi skates coming back to life. It is confirmed now and is going to happen soon. In fact, the new site is already up! Now here is where things get more seems Pocket Pistols skateboards is behind the rise of Hosoi skates again. Some of the initial artwork for graphics has been leaked out and looks incredible. But wait...there's more....the legendary artist behind Powell Peralta's most memorable graphics, Cort (VC) Johnson will now be creating art exclusively for Pocket Pistols!...but WAIT THERE'S MORE!!!...Jim Phillips and VCJ are collaborating on some initial graphics!!!! Now that is some truly awesome news! My take on those two great artists working together? It is like when I first heard Run DMC and Aerosmith were doing a song together (ie. "Walk this Way"). Either it is going to be awesome beyond what we can imagine, or it's gonna be the worst fuggin idea ever and produce a steaming pile of crap. From what I have heard from people that have seen the graphics though, thankfully, it is on the "awesome" side of that picture. haha Anways...thought you would all be stoked on the news. We will report more as it comes as always!

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