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Sensory Overload!!!! .....Chicken and PP rock!(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
5/8/2006 - Monday through the channels of visitor here, I was sent the complete VCJ and Phillips collaboration graphic coming from Pocket Pistols. I got to see the finished VCJ portion on a print and the Phillips portions on a test screened deck. (yep, that means there are about 5 test screen decks now floating around with ONLY the Phillips portion printed on them...good luck finding/getting one!!! haha). Anyways, the VCJ/Phillips piece is un-fuggin-believable!!! The two are gonna mesh sooo well together while retaining each artist's own personal style. You guys will be stoked! Again, look for the *new* Pocket Pistols models coming soon and flying off the racks. I sure hope those guys planned ahead and produce enough. =)

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