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Good News for Lance Mountain !(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
5/16/2006 - Tuesday

Lance is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, so it pained me to have to report that some a-hole had ripped him off. So, I thought it was high time for some good news related to Lance! First off, with the Firm now gone, FLIP is releasing an awesome, new Mountain model that reminds me of his old Powell Peralta "Crest" model. This one even has wheel wells! Looks great to skate or hang....hell, buy to skate, one to hang and one to put away for selling later! haha Also....and you did not hear this from us....Black Label under "Emergency" is putting out a Mountain model that features Lance's old Variflex "Jousting Knight" graphic. From what I hear, these decks are not for sale and will be very hard to come by (ie. sent out to select shops and people)...that's just what I hear though...and you never heard it from me. (haha) Get one if you can...if you get two, your a damn lucky bastard!

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