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Re-issue Madness Continues....(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
9/14/2006 - Thursday

Just wanted to make collectors and others aware of several re-issues hitting the market to try to avoid confusion amongst the masses. The following were recently released or will be soon....

-Tracker: Lester Kasai "Oak Leaf"...the classic is back!
-Girl: My First Board series...the original, first graphics for many of their riders
-Santa Cruz: 2006 Powerply twists on old SC graphics
-Zorlac: Retro series and Reissue series decks
-Birdhouse: Jeremy Klein "Black Eye Kid" and many others (Willy Santos)
-Hook-Ups: Collectors Decks series...past graphics re-released once more
-Powell Peralta: classic PP decks
-G&S: Billy Ruff "Chalice", Team "Foil Tail" and Chris Miller "Faces" as well as the older Stacy Peralta Warp 2 and Aces decks

...that's a good list to start, but they just keep coming. We will try to keep up with the reports and keep you informed. In the meantime, don't be fooled on eBay by a re-issue!

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