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Disposable is BACK!(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
2/14/2007 - Wednesday

When all outlets sold out...when it looked as if no more Disposable books would be available...great news comes direct from Mr.Cliver himself!!! After wallowing in purgatory for several months, it's official - Sean Cliver's Disposable: A History of Skateboard Art will be back in print come spring 2007. Formally published by Concrete Wave Editions with a financial and distribution assist from Blitz, Disposable has found a new foster home with Gingko Press. Minor modifications were made to the book's design in order to distinguish it from past editions, including, but not limited to, some fancy flaps on the cover, some color swapping, and the removal of Jimmy Anderson's name from a certain Ray Bones deck, but that's pretty much it. Look for the new edition - or 5th printing, depending how you want to look at it - to be on sale this coming May.

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