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Interesting bits from the Alabama contest...(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
4/30/2007 - Monday

Just talking to some of the pros while there, I was able to glean some pretty interesting info to share..

-talked to Steadham....he will have about 3-4 more colourways coming out and one will be special limited one which he will sign about 200 sounded like some kind of starburst rasta colors behind the spade

-talked to Jimmy the Greek...and YES....he now rides with deck or graphic yet but coming....he was riding a Duane Peters 8" deck which he said would most likely become his he put it "you really think Duane rides an 8" deck?!?! haha". Also, he said Omar is moving to Emergency. Previously, on Label, they would run Omar's deck only half the year so they could focus on the other riders models (ie. cost). With Emergency, he will get a bump in salary due to having full year runs of decks.

-the Hosoi decks that Christian and Sergie were riding were SWEET! Love the shapes. Told Christian I was having a hard time finding them...or even info....he said "yeh, I know....we are working that out.."....and then he did a method air over my head in our home bowl! Sergie rode his own deck in practice but rode Hosoi's own deck in the contest...mojo?

-talked to Lance about his own decks...asked it he kept them through the years. He said he thought he had them all till Cliver came by to take photos recently. He said Cliver pointed out that on some of the Future Prim. 2 decks that their are MANY variations on where for example the Powell Peralta was printed, wheel wells or not and on and on. He said "Cliver crushed I gotta go back and try to find about 3-4 I am missing." haha He also said there were few Firm decks "in the middle years" that he is missing. Any help?

-Lance says his site is up and going and check out his WANTS section...he is really after the decks he started riding on before his dad made his decks or he became a rider.

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