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Santa Cruz Dust 2 Dust series is out now!!!(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
8/2/2007 - Thursday

SC has done it again....and by "done it", I mean re-released another batch of classic graphics and shapes....but with all color (same would say "soul") completely removed. They said there would be no more Ashes-2-Ashes series, and they didn't lie...they just released the Dust-2-Dust series now (haha). I wonder how many releases this series will have? Well, the first batch kicks off with none other than the classic Salba "Witch Doctor"(aka. VooDoo ) model, the Roskopp "Eye" and the Kendall "Atomic Man". Personally, I think the Salba deck should only be in full color, but what do I know....maybe that will be Santa Cruz's next "Phoenix series"...get it....rise from the ashes and dust in full, living color....hehe (*don't use that Santa Cruz...I now own the copyright...we can talk licensing! haha) Anyways, if you want to find them...West Coast folks, contact Howard at CalSk8 ( Coast folks, contact John at Woody's Halfpipe( tell them we sent ya!!!

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