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Mckee and Cliver signing and stuff at FTC Saturday(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
11/14/2007 - Wednesday

McKee and I will be at FTC skate shop in san francisco this saturday night. Lots of boards and art on the wall. Copies of disposable will be on sale there as well (for signing purposes). If you're in the area, please stop by and say hello...

Saturday, Nov. 17
FTC 1632 Haight St. @ Clayton

5-7pm: movie screening of "the man who souled the world" (the steve rocco/world industries documentary) at MILK (located down street from FTC @ 1840 Haight St.)
7-10pm: art show opening at FTC
7:30-8pm: disposable book signing w/ cliver and mckee
10pm-onwards: after party at MILK

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