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R.I.P. Skate Park of Austin(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
2/7/2008 - Thursday

Sad news to seems the Skate Park of Austin is no more. I spoke with the "Skate Ambassador of Texas" (haha), ie. Greg Stubbs of the Texas Poolsharks. He says it is sad but true. What happened is that the landlord sold the propery, and the new owners did not want the skatepark there. So that was that. No warning, and no where to move to quickly....especially with all those guys had invested (time, sweat, heart and $$$) into that park. The 69-bowl there was probably the best wooden bowl I have ever skated! You can find the bowl and street course for sale on eBay right now. So yeh.....sad day. R.I.P. SPoA.

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