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Cliver limited edition decks for Supreme(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
6/11/2008 - Wednesday

It's like Supreme just started printing money! They asked Sean Cliver many months back to do two decks in the spirit of his early days at World Industries (ie. graphics to piss people off). Cliver produced the goods, and now, they are the hottest, most-wanted decks around. I have only seen photos of them, and from what I saw, they are definitely "must haves". I talked to Sean the other day, and he said it felt great to get back in that old mindset and do them. The two decks are called "Dick and Jane" which features two kids sacrificing a baby on the den floor in front of their parents and "Halloween" which features children dressed in various controversial costumes such as Hitler, KKK, Jesus, etc. Each deck had a corresponding t-shirt as well. Per Supreme, "This summer Supreme will produce a series of two skateboards with original artwork done by Sean Cliver for Supreme and two original t-shirt designs to coincide with the project release. Available at the NY/LA stores and online on June 12th. Available in Japan stores on June 14th." Past that, no one has seen them first hand. Hell, even Sean doesn't even have them yet! Keep an eye out for these and get them if you can! Check them out over at Supreme.

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