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BUG swatting...Login bug found/fixed!(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
3/8/2010 - Monday

Man, where to start....first off, VERY SORRY that people had to deal with this. I had made some changes at the end of last year and then took the past 2 months off from doing anything on AOS. Little did I know that EVERYONE was having problems logging in. My emails were full of complaints! Well, I got back on the "main" site today (not the "new" AOS that I have been working hard on) and found right away the issue. The "cookie" that is set for you login info is set to expire on "Dec 31, 2009". Now, back when this was written in 2002, that probably didn't seem like a big deal. But now, in 2010, it means the cookie NEVER would work. haha So yeh...I am a dumbass. Problem solved. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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