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Good-bye Zorlac and thanks for all the fish!(source AoS / reported by AMORONE)
2/18/2011 - Friday

As some may or may not know, Jeff "Newtron" Newton, the original founder of Zorlac, has been fighting for the past 5 years for ownership of the Zorlac trademark to bring the company back to all it's fame and glory. He kicked off Gringo not long back but then started bringing a "new" Zorlac back. Sadly, Jeff lost the legal battle and as he put it this effectively ends Zorlac as we know it. You can still snatch up a few of the recent decks (which I suggest!) Any "Zorlac" you see past this point will merely be that kid sporting the latest trendy clothes that carries his shiney new, never-skated deck all around the lip of the bowl talking to everyone. You get the idea. haha RIP ZORLAC. Thanks Jeff and team for the many years and great memories!

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