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The Story of the First Annual AoS-fest (cont.)

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Somewhere around halfway, we were starving. Where to eat late? What place is gonna put up with 3 car loads of rowdy skaters? Waffle House! We filled up and got back on the road.

Roadside Nirvana

Rob and Jamie

On the road again...
About one hour outside of Louisville, there was one road side pit stop. Other than that, we pushed on through and got into Louisville around 4 am….. right in the middle of a rain storm. We pulled up to the park in the middle of the downpour. One of caravan had skipped dinner, drove ahead, hit the rain, found the park and turned around to find a hotel. The rest of us found a bridge next to the park to park under…the only dry spot around.
Pit Stop
We were not alone under the bridge at 4 am. We noticed another car…all alone…. windows fogged…..what appeared to be two grown men inside. Now this might have seemed at face value like some man-love rendezvous but on this occasion, we knew better. The occupants of the car were none other than Stephen (The Green Monkey) and Mike (Nervous). They had called already and warned of the rain. Having made trip a good distance though, they said they would hang out and wait on us. So there were were…3 car loads of skaters with about 2 cases of beer and no skating to be done (well, Jamie did break out his homemade longboard for cruising around under the bridge). So we sat….and drank…and waited….and waited…and waited for the rain to end.

Louisville at 4am

"Green Monkey", "Nervous", and Phil Hosey

Nervous created the ONLY AoSfest 1 shirt made...very rare!
A few others came and went during the night…seems other folks were coming in town too….for AoS-Fest? Too early to tell. Eventually, half bored and in varying degrees of drunkenness, we all said "Fuck it" and went out to the park to check it, walk along make believe runs in our heads, and generally slip and slide around. This went on for a good two hours or so.

Bowls full of water

Rob pisses next to the Port-o-let (am I missing the obvious here?)

Jamie and Rob share a longboard and beers

Nervous takes imaginary runs

The mythical Green Monkey antics caught on film

Amorone caught taking pictures by the Green Monkey
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