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Inside the mind of Factory 13 : Danny Creadon (cont.)
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How long have you been skating?
I have been riding since I was about 10 years old...I am 31 now. My first 2 boards were plastic, and I traded other toys to kids on my street for their skateboard (my 2nd board was a "free former" with a kicktail!) I have always been skating since then... I have never quit and never will. It is a lifestyle for me.
Where do you skate and who do you skate with?
I skate mostly on my property (10x24 steel vert ramp) and mostly the street curbs and ditches that are plentifull in this area. Alot of loading docks (industrial Cleveland area), drainage ditches, waxed curbs everywhere. I hit the parks occasionally... not too much though (I am always running into someone at full speed) I hit the hills where all the rich people live... I like to downhill with my friends after having some drinks at Nemeths Lounge at whatever time of the day or night. My skater friends are mostly: Lance (great friend and shaper), Martin and Mark Syp (workers and skaters), Riply and Alan, Jacob and Jeff, Cleveland west side scums(absolute ragers) all local scumbags that I hang out with...lots to mention.
How long have you been shaping boards/designing?
I would say about 6-7 years before starting Factory13, I would use the machinery (that I didn't have at the time) at the Cleveland State college art department. I would tell them that I was working on an assignment, and I didn't even belong classes or anything. It's all about mind control. I would get material anywhere I could.
Where did you come up with the name "Factory13"?
I have been working as a welder/iron worker in the Cleveland area for the last 10 years before starting F13. The factory's are so depressing with the way things are operated there, I wanted to make my own... I want to make skateboards, not airplane and nuclear components. Warhol had his Factory and now I have mine... Things have been going great, lots of very creative ideas taking shape here.
Is it true that you have your friends bring you beer for the honor to have you put them to work?
Yes, absolutely. It is a lifestyle that takes total dedication.
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