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Inside the mind of Factory 13 : Danny Creadon (cont.)
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Tell us about your work with J.F.A. and DISASTER RECORDS.
They are all very good people...We all have a similiar mindset I believe. Brian Brannon and the boys are ragers on stage and in the bowl...they don't want silly crap to ride... they jam and so do we...working together for the hardcore riders. Disaster records puts out the best fucking music I have heard in a long time. I would like to thank BRIAN BRANNON and the BAND, PATRICK and DUANE PETERS at DISASTER RECORDS and all the bands with those guys. They all jam and we must all work together to fight Humanity and its misguided direction!!!....I'm not kidding...
Weren't you in a band? What was the name?
I was in a band called "Black Santa" named after a picture of my friend as a kid at Christmas time with this total ghetto skinny black guy trying to play Santa Claus! It was funny...we are not racist or anything, no way! I dont believe in that.... We are just a weird punk, spacy band with heavy stuff also. I am working on a band line up now including myself, Lance and some other will be great for sure. All skateboarding music!
What do think of pop music and mainstream music?
Total garbage and crap... I can't stand it. Next question.
What music motivates you? What bands?
Punk rock and skaterock mostly motivates is a cool list of bands: JFA, all bands on DISASTER RECORDS, River City Rebels, US Bombs, Hunns, most all cleveland punk, like H100's, Wide Gauge, Black Santa, the Darvocetts, Cider, Boulder, Sidecar, the Beutys, Confront, Outface, False Hope, Stepsister. and some GenerationX, Agent Orange, Septic Death....too many to mention them all, but I think you get the picture. We mostly support JFA, DISASTER RECORDS, and CLEVELAND PUNK ROCK...there is a lot of good music here!
What do you think of the mainstrean skate industry today?
Well, talking about it probably won't help anything...I will just continue what I am doing and leave it at that.
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