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Artist Interview : John Keester (cont.)
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Please admit that boneite was shit.
What are you crazy? I hear it's making a come back. What's with all the shit talk against Boneite? Why it's one of the finest skateboard construction materials ever abandoned. Hah.
Do you know where I can find some NOS decks - cheap?
Check with Cliver. [Hi Sean!]
How much of the graphics are inspired/thought of by the rider, and how many designs are something you came up with that Powell assigned to someone? How common is the latter scenario within the industry?
Dunno, maybe 75% of the rider graphics are something the rider knew he wanted, the rest the artist would come up with something. Then there are 'generic' decks that don't carry the rider's name. These tend to come from the artists. I don't know how it is industry-wide, but that's about the breakdown for when I was at Powell.
What was the strangest graphic you ever created? Was it your design or a rider's request?
That's easy, it was the 'Atomic Urinal' t-shirt. What the hell. I drew it as a joke, but apparently George took it seriously. It was horrible and ridiculous. We must have spent a month refining it. I still remember how flabbergasted I was to work on it at all.
Who would win in a fight: VCJ or Jim Phillips?
Trick question, it would be a tie. They both have powers incomprehensible to mere mortal men.
Where do babies come from?
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