+ Buyer/Seller Transaction Search
Art of Skateboarding provides this section to allow members and visitors to search for the transaction
history of particular buyers, sellers or both. We do not claim to have all transactions stored, but we do record as much as we can
that is publicly available via eBay (and other auction sites), updated directly by members in the Price Guide or sent to us via emails. We make
no judgments on the business ethics of any of the buyers or sellers listed. This is merely another way of viewing the information we provide
via the Price Guide Price History listed for individual items. If you have any transaction information that we do not have listed, please
contact us via email with the details. Likewise, if you have corrections for any information listed, please contact us as well.
9/5/2022 | Decks | Park Large | (eBay) from equinox to DanConner | $1,050.00 USD | *NO* |
9/4/2022 | Decks | Shogo Pool | (eBay) from rev.davotrain to hotmods | $199.00 USD | *NO* |
8/13/2022 | Decks | Hendrix | (Private Sale) from chris Hall to Justin Phelps | $75.00 USD | *NO* |
7/31/2022 | Decks | Psychadelic Photos | (Private Sale) from Bob to Spencer | $200.00 USD | *NO* |
7/17/2022 | Decks | Eight Wheeler | (eBay) from levaton to hotmods | $223.00 USD | *NO* |
7/16/2022 | Decks | Shogo New School | (eBay) from beerdude408 to hotmods | $200.00 USD | *NO* |
7/2/2022 | Decks | Love Park Ltd. | (eBay) from Stokedskateshop to justilower0 | $1,700.00 USD | *NO* |
7/2/2022 | Decks | City (slick) | (Private Sale) from to | $1,500.00 USD | *NO* |
6/30/2022 | Decks | Evel Knievel - Canyon | (eBay) from natrod_j6twp9dw to hotmods | $200.00 USD | *NO* |
6/30/2022 | Decks | Evel Knievel - Fountain | (eBay) from natrod_j6twp9dw to hotmods | $200.00 USD | *NO* |
6/24/2022 | Decks | Alva Posse | (Private Sale) from Shane George to Dean Reynolds | $400.00 USD | *NO* |
6/24/2022 | Decks | Alva Posse | (Private Sale) from Shane George to Dean Reynolds | $400.00 USD | *NO* |
6/1/2022 | Decks | Bert and Ernie (slick) | (Private Sale) from Ste1980 to Ste1980 | $1,000.00 USD | *NO* |
4/11/2022 | Decks | Fabric Name series - Muska | (eBay) from Johnj_s to Jashman | $312.00 USD | *NO* |
4/4/2022 | Decks | Nordic Sperm Double Kick | (Private Sale) from Mo to vintagesk8er | $400.00 USD | *NO* |
4/3/2022 | Decks | Peters (large) | (eBay) from keem81 to hotmods | $225.00 USD | *NO* |
3/27/2022 | Decks | Double Vision | (eBay) from Private to DoublevisionMind | $950.00 USD | *NO* |
3/10/2022 | Decks | Scratch Off 2 | (eBay) from raidfc to hotmods | $100.00 USD | *NO* |
3/3/2022 | Decks | Lucero (regular) | (eBay) from arealquackup to hotmods | $79.00 USD | *NO* |
3/2/2022 | Decks | Grosso (large / full) | (eBay) from tongue.and.groove to hotmods | $250.00 USD | *NO* |
3/1/2022 | Decks | Dressen Street | (eBay) from johncorosz2012 to hotmods | $47.00 USD | *NO* |
2/8/2022 | Decks | Boney Fingers | (eBay) from 831stoney1 to hotmods | $35.00 USD | *NO* |
2/3/2022 | Decks | Radio Flyer | (eBay) from 1998neal to hotmods | $150.00 USD | *NO* |
1/24/2022 | Decks | Hunter | (eBay) from millionzknivez to holt1855 | $6,000.00 USD | *NO* |
1/10/2022 | Decks | Dots Mike Smith Concave | (eBay) from okitookitout to 5***5 | $650.00 USD | *NO* |
1/9/2022 | Decks | Air Tech Slasher | (eBay) from slickh43 to 1***3 | $500.00 USD | *NO* |
1/7/2022 | Decks | Rise Above | (eBay) from opendeals to hotmods | $72.00 USD | *NO* |
1/5/2022 | Decks | Eye 2 | (eBay) from kendalljones to e***p | $800.00 USD | *NO* |
1/5/2022 | Decks | DP Racer | (eBay) from jamesrobersullivanii-0 to hotmods | $75.00 USD | *NO* |
1/4/2022 | Decks | Worst Case Scenario (WCS) | (eBay) from russkul59 to hotmods | $68.00 USD | *NO* |
Total for selected search: $4,153,339.25 USD |
(*Note: Total may include auctions where reserve was not met) |
Prices reflect the item in mint condition (unless otherwise noted) and are shown for
historical purposes only. Keep in mind that the current value of an item is only what the market will bear. These prices should
be used for reference purposes only and not as an indicator of exact current value.