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 + Welcome to the Art of Skateboarding Pricing and Collectors Guide

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(* 1083 entries)
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(* 16 entries)
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(* 1083 entries)
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(* 1654 entries)
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(* 795 entries)
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This guide has been put together to not only aid collectors in valuating their collections, but also to act as a gallery of sorts for the artistic talent that has produced some great works of functional art that are more commonly known as skateboards. For the majority of collectors, collecting skateboards and skateboard accessories is done for sentimental reasons. It reminds them of days long gone...the rush of adrenaline when they bombed their first hill, that first backyard pool they skated, the halfpipe session that seemed to never end, and most of all, good times with good friends. For that kind of value, one can never place a price. However, for those that buy, trade and sell these items, there is always a price! There is money to be made, and more importantly, money to be lost if one is not careful. This guide has been composed to be used as a reference when pricing, trading, buying and selling skateboard decks and related accessories. As it has been said many times, an item is only worth what the market will bear. Someone might be holding on to a deck they think is worth $1000's, but if it sells on eBay for $66, then that owner was a bit off the mark. Hopefully, this guide will aid the serious collector who "has been around the block", as well as help new collectors from being "taken" by some not so ethical people out there. We will continue to update as often as possible, and we hope the collecting community will help us as well.
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Price Guide Credits
Art of Skateboarding would like to thank the following for their contributions of pictures and/or information for the items listed in our Price Guide. If I left someone off, all apologies. Just drop an email over to remind me to add you to the list!
Tim ( Nick ( LAD0990 ( Alvin ( Marc McKee ( Steve ( Tony Hallam (*see our links) Andy Howell ( Jeff ( Bowlrider ( tk421 (Caballero Fan *see links) Danny (F13 Skateboards) Vince ( Phil Hosey (SmithGrind) Sean Cliver Eric Blais Blair Watson (Slob-Air/Skull&Bones) BritSkateMuseum Seaside (AoS Member name) Mad-Mat (AoS Member name) MT ( Breedboy (AoS Member name) Patrick Dasse Mark Abrook Julian Armstrong Schmittstix707 (AoS member name) Tomi Freeman Chris Hall (Chall5/AoS member name) Albertstrange (AoS member name) Josh Schwartz homerophile (AoS member name) The Green Monkey (AoS member name) Hammerhead (AoS member name) Louis Brown David Bergthold (Blockhead Skateboards) OldSchookKyle Brad ( Gus Hoelscher (Big Thanks!) Oldsk8 (AoS member name) Moish B. (Consolidated Skateboards) Waveperfect (AoS member name) Ron and Henrik (OG Skull&Bones Forum) Slosh Josh Matt DeAngelis Charlie Bullion Tom Nieland Big.Kahuna.Burger THE_GRIME ( Keith Renna Justin Sharp (UKoldschool) ...and any one I missed!
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